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While reflecting on the events of what had happened and on life as it is now, it comes eerily similar to any post-apocalyptic, horror, or science gone wrong movie or game.


Day by day, we listen to the news about the current situation. We have gas prices at an all- time low with empty streets. Places that were once bustling with life are now vacant. Outside, we wear masks and gloves and we stand a meter apart to talk to other face to face. When we come home we wipe down our door knobs and sometimes bolt our doors in fear. We vigorously wash our hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds at a time, and we lay awake at night, worrying about our loved ones who are on the frontlines.

This is our norm, and it will be for quite a while, whether it will be months or years, we will never be able to go back to what we once were. This event will change us and has for better or for worse.  

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