CO-VID 19 Origins
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 was a global threat and not long afterwards the world stopped. It all began when cases from Wuhan City in the Hubei Province appeared in late December and early January, then appeared in surrounding countries, Middle Eastern countries, European countries, and finally the Western countries such as the United States, Canada and Mexico (Coronavirus (COVID-19), 2020; Taylor, 2020).
Origins of the virus was like something of a common horror or sci-fi trope as it is widely theorized to have come from a bat and/or pangolin and then transferred to a human host (Briggs, Coronavirus: The race to find the source in wildlife, 2020) which sounds eerily similar to the conclusion of Contagion as Contagion’s pandemic started by deforestation and bats (Contagion Plot Summary, 2011) while ours comes from the unsustainable use of wild life trade, a trade that promotes the extinction of wild animals as they are sold in various markets (Briggs, Coronavirus: Putting the spotlight on the global wildlife trade, 2020)